‘Dragon’ Motorcycle Gas Tank BREATHIN FIRE INTO YOUR RIDE!PRICE: 1800DIMENSIONS: 12x24DESCRIPTION: welded steel, scrap steel,gas tank. mica powder finishMEDIUM: Metal SculptureGALLERY: Metal Sculpture by Scott CawoodYES! I would like to purchase this piece...NOTE: Using this form in no way obligates you, the Gallery at 105, or the artist to a final purchase. Submitting this form will simply "reserve" the piece until a final transaction is made.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *We'll use your email only to contact youPhoneWe'll contact you at this number, if desiredTitle of Artwork that interests youMAKE AN OFFER TO THE ARTIST ON THIS PIECE** For artwork priced at $500 or more, Gallery at 105 artists will consider any reasonable offer. Above-asking price offers are also welcome!Have a question for the artist?EmailNEXT STEP« ‘Wild Hog’ Motorcycle Gas Tank All Artwork‘American Eagle’ Motorcycle Gas Tank »